Advanced fully synthetic lubricants sports version
This product is carefully formulated with fully synthetic base oil and advanced compound additives, and is specially designed to provide excellent protection for high-power engines under extreme performance and harsh conditions. After years of experience in race practice and laboratory testing, and participated in research and development by international senior engineers and champion drivers, it can provide powerful power output for the engine.
●Excellent low-temperature fluidity, smoother start-up
●Superior cleaning performance, keeping clean for a long time, making the engine powerful.
●Excellent high temperature oxidation resistance, providing longer-term high-quality lubrication protection.
●Packing specification: 1L×12/4L×6/200L
Product name | Product level | Product viscosity | Meet specifications |
Advanced fully synthetic lubricants | API SP | 5W-20 |
ACEA C5 MB-Approval 229.71 OPel OV 040 1547 |
Advanced fully synthetic lubricants | API SP | 5W-30 |
ACEA C3 BMW Longlife-04 MB Approval 229.52 VW 504 00/507 00 OPel OV 040 1547 Renault RN 0700/0710 |
Advanced fully synthetic lubricants | API SP | 5W-40 |
ACEA C3 BMW Longlife-04 MB Approval 229.52 OPel OV 040 1547 Renault RN 0700/0710 |

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Company address:
No. 1, Lanxiang Road, Industrial Park, Tianqiao District, Jinan City
Jinan New Material Industrial Park, Tianqiao District, Jinan City
No. 23988, Panwang Road, Zhangqiu District, Jinan City, Shandong Province
Service Hotline: 400-618-6016
Fax number: +8653185707670
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